G8 is everywhere – so are we !! … and they all must go !
decentralized actions against the G8 2011 !
CALL FOR CONVERGENCE of anti-capitalist struggles
Categories: Network, Village/Camp

CALL FOR CONVERGENCE of anti-capitalist struggles AT A self-managed VILLAGE
from July 9th 2011 UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD (authoritarian at least!)


The harmfulness of capitalism is well established. After decades of policy analysis and endless debates we know how its effects are severe, regarding to the peoples as well as their environment. The economic and political ‘elites’ have managed to establish and maintain a system for their own interests. The machine is well-oiled. the stronger it gets, the more we feel the rage and the need to rebel against this world that does not match anymore.
Our struggle against capitalism did not start yesterday. Beyond the local and individual actions, this struggle has often taken the form of numerous international gatherings and camps against the G8 and G20.
In parallel with these anti-summits, the practice of thematic camps has developed throughout Europe : No Border camps, the Climate Camp and now the Camps of resistance (camps de la resistance, lyon, toulouse..)
The anti-summits method has shown that time pressure and repression hindered us in achieving our goals. Above all, we did not propose anything new and fail at surprising the ennemy, anti-summits are now institutionalized and have become part of the show.
Recently, the desire to leave the traditional patterns of struggle has emerged. We need to use different time frames and places from those determined and used by governments at international summits. We want above all to get out of mere criticism and focus on international convergence, exchange and sharing of practices for the solidification of our networks.
For all these reasons, and after a critical review of past mobilizations, the participants in preparatory meetings for anti G8/G20, in Dijon and Paris in November 2010, February and April 2011, have gathered in a collective informal group named NoG2011,
they have decided to change their mode of operation and to bring about a project that is somewhat different from the usual anti-summits and camps.
The first time of the mobilization, the decentralized actions against the G8 took place on 26 and 27 May 2011. In nearly thirty cities and 6 countries, actions have expressed our rejection of this world they pretend to impose on us ..

Setting up of a self-managed village on the ZAD zone, notre dame des landes

LA ZAD, namely the zone to defend

North of Nantes is the 40 years-old project to destroy 2000 acres of groves to build a second and totally useless airport.The ultimate goal is to concrete over all the region/area for the benefit of industries!
Since the Climate Action Camp in 2009, a call to join the occupancy of the area was launched: a growing number of individuals has responded to this call and joined the local struggle.


The village must be the time for us to make the connection between local fights and global struggle against capitalism.Beyond self-management experience of living together without God nor master, we hope to develop local infrastructures and encourage those who wish to stay invested.
This village is also meant to be an “in-between- summits”, the actions we realised during the G8 need an afterward time of collective discusion and analyses of what has been undertaken. The village will allow that time of sharing as well as preparation of colective mobilization for the g20 in november.

By getting rid of the police threat we will have the peace of minfd and movement to multiply the opportunities for workshops, debates, practical and theoritical exchanges. Moereover, by taking time to meet and build relationships together, we also prepare more effective mobilizations in the future!

Finally, this village will be an open and festive place, concerts will be offered as well as children play areas and of course kitchens and bars, following a pay-what-you-want system.

The self-managed village will be build on the ZAD, in Notre Dame Des Landes
From july 11th to.. the end of the world!
july 1st to 8th: week of preparation and organisation
July 9th: Reclaim your village action! settlement on the field
July 11th: Official opening

Meeting point:
squat “l’inter-minables”, 11 rue de Rennes, in Orvault, near Nantes, from july 1st to 11th
More informations on gzero.info or nog2011.noblogs.org or for logistical issues, contact us at nog2011@riseup.net

Come as many as you can to finalize the project! on july 9 we will setttle on a field in la ZAD, to officially start on the july 11th. the village will only work collectively, grab it! Bring your workshops, prepare the discussions that are close to yor heart and spread the information around you!

See you at the village!

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